Universities of Wisconsin Admissions - UW HELP

Universities of Wisconsin Admissions

We are here to assist you as you help your students navigate the Universities of Wisconsin admission process, from meeting their academic requirements and enrollment deposits to gathering letters of recommendation and exploring campus housing.

Campus Guidelines and Requirements

Get the specific admission requirements for each Universities of Wisconsin, as well as information on minimum requirements for admission to any UW.

Letters of Recommendation

Letters of recommendation from teachers, counselors, and other educators are a great way for your students to strengthen their college applications. Get step-by-step guides for submitting letters of recommendation to UW System campuses and download the Universities of Wisconsin “Recommendation for Undergraduate Admission” form.

Enrollment Deposit Information

Once your students decide where they want to go to college, they will want to make sure they pay their enrollment deposit to save their spot. Get the details on each UW’s enrollment deposit requirements.

Campus Housing Information

Once your students are admitted to a Universities of Wisconsin, they will probably want to know about securing campus housing. Get the details for each UW here.

Application Fees

For freshman and transfer applicants:
The following UW universities charge an application fee for every application submitted: UW-Eau Claire, UW La Crosse ($25), and UW-Madison ($70). For the other UW universities, students may submit up to three applications for free to either the main campus or branch campus. After that, students will be charged $25 per application.

Note that UW-Stevens Point and UW-Whitewater allow students to apply to both their main campuses and branch campuses. Doing so will incur the same fee as applying to any single campus within that university.

If students are concerned about paying application fees, students can note their financial hardship on the personal information section of the application to apply for an application fee waiver.