Resources - UW HELP


Get quick and easy access to the things you need most from UW HELP, from checklists and charts for students, to the UW HELP calendar, and important contacts for each Universities of Wisconsin.

Handy Reference

Checklists for High School Students

Popular checklists to guide students through their high school years as they prepare for college.

Freshman Checklist Download
Sophomore Checklist Download
Junior Checklist Download
Senior Checklist Download

Tools to help explore the Universities of Wisconsin

Majors by Campus Visit
Compare Your UWs Worksheet Download
Campus Contacts Visit
Housing and Meal Plan Links Visit

Applying to UW Campuses

Get a checklist to help make sure you have everything you need to apply to your UWs.

Application Checklist Download
Application Review Visit
Direct Admit Wisconsin Form Instructions Download

Budgeting Tools

Get handy printouts of the important budgeting tools, like a budget builder, tuition, FAFSA, and scholarship information.

Build Your Budget Download
Tuiton Visit
UW Scholarships Download

More Resources

ROTC and Military

Interested in receiving military training and experience while you’re in college? Looking for ways to fund your education? ROTC and the military might be right for you!

All Our Publications

UW HELP produces a number of helpful guidebooks each year for students and counselors. Review and download the latest copies for yourself.

Campus Contacts

With 13 Universities of Wisconsin across multiple campuses, finding the right person can be a challenge. We have created a ready reference to help you contact the people you need, when you need them.


Find out what’s happening with UW HELP. Join us for workshops and sessions across the state, throughout the year.