15 to Finish - UW HELP

15 to Finish

Most students think of 12 credits as “full time.” But did you know that if you take 12 credits a semester, it’s virtually impossible to graduate with a bachelor’s degree (120 credits) in 4 years or an associate’s degree (60 credits) in 2 years?

Take 15 Credits to Finish on Time

If you want to graduate on time, you need to take at least 15 credits per semester or 30 credits per year. Taking 15 credits every semester helps you stay on track and earn your degree on time. And in some cases, it’s as easy as completing one more course each semester.

Start Strong. Build Momentum. Graduate on Time.

Graduate Sooner

Students who take 15 credits per semester are more likely to graduate in 4 years. Plus the longer you stretch out your undergraduate experience, the less likely you are to ever graduate. Research also shows that students who take more credits earn higher grades.

Save Money

College expenses add up every year. For many students, tuition, fees, room and board, books, and the wages you would have earned at a full-time job can top $50,000. Graduating on time helps make a degree more affordable and reduces how much you need to borrow to pay for your education.

Launch Your Career

When you finish on time, you can take the next steps to launch your career or earn an advance degree and use what you learned to make meaningful contributions to your community.

How Can I Take 15 to Finish?

Start Strong

Enroll in 15 credits per semester.
Meet with your academic advisor each semester to develop a plan for success that works for you.

Build Momentum

  • Make sure you’re not taking just ANY 15 credits. Take the required courses to earn your degree on time.
  • If you can’t take 15 credits each semester, use summer and winterim terms or online courses to complete 30 credits per year.
  • Use campus resources—such as tutoring, financial aid, and career services—to stay on track.

Finish on Time

Think about what you could be doing with that extra time if you take 15 credits. Time to celebrate, time to start your career, time to make money, and time to live your life.
Celebrate your ACCOMPLISHMENT!

Want to know more?

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Campus Advisor Contacts

Get in touch with an academic advisor at your University of Wisconsin to help plan your coursework to meet your 15 to Finish goals.

Universities of Wisconsin Resources

If you are Universities of Wisconsin faculty or staff, get all the information and resources you need to support 15 to Finish on your campus.